Are Wearable Alcohol Tracking Devices the Way of the Future?
Soon, Even Your Device Will Tell You You’re Drunk
TAC – Transdermal Alcohol Concentration. This may be a prospect for “safe” drinking. How will the alcohol tracking devices work? Let’s take a look.
Alcohol Tracking Devices Useful or Useless?
According to a recent study, TAC sensing watches or wristbands may be the wave of the future to eradicate the over-consumption of alcohol. A transdermal alcohol biosensor may help accomplish this goal by measuring how much ethanol is in your sweat.
Is this really as useful as it claims? Lag times of this new technology indicate TAC sensors do not indicate your alcohol level until at least 30 minutes after consuming your last drink. Finish a drink, wait 30 minutes. Finish your second, wait 30 minutes. Heck, if this was realistic, we would all be responsible drinkers!
That being said, the technology does show promise with smartphone integration capabilities as well as outdoing the competition (SCRAM ankle monitor) by detecting peak TAC 45 minutes sooner.
Current Technology
BACtrack appears to be the most useful technology to measure alcohol concentration on the market today. This device boasts a pocket-size breathalyzer and smartphone integration to let you know if you’re a few sheets to the wind too many. Even though this brand claims affordability, the device is more than just a party trick costing $80 per month at its entry-level subscription. Cost aside, if you’re looking to curb your consumption and increase your awareness, this device could save your life.
Drinking and Driving Today
About ⅓ of all traffic fatalities in the U.S. are due to drunk drivers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that the most recent data shows 10,511 individuals were killed in such accidents in 2018.
Sandy Springs shares Georgia’s alcohol-related fatalities coming in at just under the national average. The population in Georgia that admits to driving after drinking too much is 1.4%. This may not seem like a large number, but we have to remember that these are people who admitted to committing a crime. When you consider the population of Georgia, that’s about 150,000 people driving intoxicated.
Current Safety Strategies
Law enforcement does its best to keep us safe from ourselves both federally and on state and local levels. Our heroes in blue implement various strategies to help maintain our safety and that of others when we are choosing to be irresponsible.
Outside of upcoming technology, present-day strategies include:
- Sobriety checkpoints: police stops to check for impairment.
- Ignition interlocks: breathalyzer that keeps your car from starting when blood alcohol concentration is above the legal limit.
- License revocation/suspension: taking away your license.
- Alcohol screening/interventions: screenings provided in professional settings for identification of alcohol-related issues.
- School-based instructional programs: teaching new drivers the dangers of drunk driving.
- Mass media campaigns: exposing the public to the dangers of drunk driving.
Should you be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) while in Sandy Springs, there are multiple options to help rehabilitate your driving record. First, seek representation. Both Sandy Springs and the greater Atlanta area advertise Defensive Driving Courses as well as DUI courses, which may be offered in lieu of more severe punishment.
As always, there are several, easy ways to avoid a citation, jail time, and even death.
- Plan ahead. Take an Uber or arrange for a designated driver.
- Take the keys of inebriated friends.
- Always wear your seatbelt!
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